Thursday, February 26, 2009

TV affecting everyday life

Wrong or not wrong: When discussing attending the ADDY's, I can't help but think about the Dundies.

Wrong or not wrong: When I was at the dry cleaner this week, all I could think about was that scene from The Sweetest Thing...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

sunday afternoon

wrong or not wrong?
drinking a bottle of champagne on a sunday afternoon just because?

wrong or not wrong?
wasting the gorgeous 78 degree and sunny weather outside to watch grey's anatomy marathon and do laundry?

wrong or not wrong?
wishing i had more money not so i could do something of worth with it, but to spend it on massages and hot yoga classes?

Friday, February 6, 2009

Wrong or Not Wrong

Wrong or Not Wrong: Being way excited 2 weeks early to listen to Hall & Oates in Mizner? 

Monday, February 2, 2009

how it works

so, there is this most fantastic game that i made up with one of my very dear friends. a miss kim s.
the idea of the game is to take situations (either hypothetical or actually happening at that very moment in time) and determine if an action is a good idea or not.

in so many words, you just need to ask yourself, wrong or not wrong?

you have no idea how much this can come in handy.

i think the beginning for the game was this simple question:
wrong or not wrong: having margaritas on my lunch during a full working day?

and that answer on that day in particular was not wrong. but in my experience, drinking during work is ALWAYS not wrong.